Running Facebook ads is both effective and maddening.
It’s true that you get lots more bang for your buck by running Facebook ads versus running a print ad or a billboard. However, it’s also true that the ad process is incredibly frustrating and difficult to the novice or even intermediate users.
And don’t get me started on Business Manager. Don’t even get me started.
One of the most frustrating things about it is that there are a host of unlisted things you can’t do or say that could get your ad rejected or serrrrrrrriously throttled. Here are a few big no-no’s that I myself (and I think many churches) consistently try to do that could get negative results.
Recently, I’ve been trying to run more Facebok Ads myself and have experienced quite the workshop on what not to do. In this article, I’m going to share what I’ve learned with you. Here we go!
First things First about Facebook Ads
The first thing you really need to know is that Facebook cares more about regular users than advertisers. They’ve made that clear.
Whether or not you think it’s fair that they rejected your ad or even did it correctly is beyond a problem for them. So, you either have to play by these rules or don’t play.
However, if you simply keep in mind what would be the best experience for your audience or customers when making the ads, you should be golden. So, don’t make these mistakes…
Too Much Text in your Facebook Ad
It won’t be rejected, per se, just for having text in it or even a lot of text, but your Facebook Ad will be throttled back a lot and will cost you more per click. Check your cost per click (CPC) on your ads that are approved and if it’s around or more than $1 per click, that’s not great and I bet it’s because of the amount of text.
If you want to check your image for too much text, you can run it through this helpful tool. Believe it or not, there are actual people looking at these ads before they approve them!
Facebook Ads Hate Restricted Content
Before and After photos, overly sexual, or infringes on others’ rights in some way such as copyrighted material, trademarks, or content you don’t have the right to use legally will all be rejected. You shouldn’t steal anyway, but Facebook is really down on it too.
Before and after photos are a weird one though. Too many fake photos promising results that aren’t legitimate or realistic ruined that one for everyone, I guess. Thanks, diet pill pyramid scheme companies!
Fake Buttons like a play button on a static image that isn’t a video are also rejected. Basically if you don’t try to trick your audience into clicking things they don’t want to or get something besides what you promised in the click, you’re fine.
So, basically, thou shalt not lie. But you knew that.
Facebook Ad copy is where the biggest mistakes are made
Surprisingly enough, someone is actually reading the copy you write too and it really matters. Sooner or later churches are going to realize the value of copywriting and start investing in it and/or people who specialize in it professionally (coughmecough).
So, when you’re writing your captions and such, watch out for this stuff…
If you mention Facebook, it has to have a capital “F” and be the singular use. They’re not facebook or The Facebook or Facebooks. Sorry, grandma, you can keep calling it “Wal-Mart’s” if you want though.
You can’t use their logo or “FB” as an abbreviation either. Brand standards in full effect.
Avoid personal attribute words in your Facebook Ad
Avoid using the words “your” & “other” in your copy. For example:
Bad: You don’t want to miss it!
Good: Don’t miss it!
Bad: Find other couples to get into community with
Good: Small groups are a great place for community
It’s not always just about the words, but the context in the Facebook Ad.
Just avoid pointing out any personal attributes about the audience that you might be assuming. Facebook flags this as manipulative marketing.
Keep your copy positive. You can still state the “problem” in the beginning of your copy like “it’s tough being a dad.” Just don’t go into downer stats and really milk it before you get to the solution you’re offering in your copy. Facebook sees this as manipulative and fear-tactic marketing.
Don’t make unrealistic claims. Is what you’re claiming achievable by 99% of the audience? If it is, go for it. But don’t say “If you show up you’ll get closer to God!” Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but there’s no way to guarantee that. Fake news sites have been the culprit here, making claims about people or things that aren’t true or likely. So keep it all about things you are 100% certain about.
The display URL has to match the domain doing the sending. This is a phishing tactic in email. The display URL should have the domain you’re sending them to when they click. You don’t have to write the whole URL out to be displayed, just the domain. The link must use it too or Facebook will reject your ad outright.
If your Facebook Ad is Incorrectly Rejected
But hey, a guy can dream. Who knows? You might be able to get them to do something other than copy/paste the same response over and over to you, but I never have. I had to call a friend who works there in on it to get my issue resolved and we don’t all have one of those.
Best to just change things up and submit again until it goes through.
What have you run into while trying to set up Facebook Ads? Let me know other stuff you’ve learned not to post in the comments!