13: Writing Great Copy w/ Marguerite Andrews
THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan Ranson
Church Communications | Marketing | Social Media
Helping you find common ground with your people so you can empower them for spiritual growth.
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Marguerite Andrews is a former content strategist for Word Revolution, a global company dedicated to helping churches and ministries write in such a way that pulses with the Gospel. On this episode, I talk with Marguerite about how to write great copy for church websites, emails, and bulletins!
In This Episode:
- Writing for websites, bulletins, and emails
- The difference between copywriting and content strategy
- How to think strategically when writing for your audience
- Copyblogger.com
- Copyhackers.com
- Saltful Church graphics
- Donald Miller Story Brand Podcast
- Content Marketing Institute
- Less Chaos, Less Noise by Kem Meyer (updated version from Less Clutter, Less Noise)
Podcast gear! sethmuse.com/store is live!
88 Ideas for Church Social Media Posts