Instagram Content Marketing and the Common Ground
I’ve been reading a fantastic book lately called A Winner’s Guide to Negotiating: How Conversation Gets Deals Done by Mollie Fletcher and I highly recommend it. This book is all about trying to get people to do something that you want them to do. It’s not...
9 engaging questions to ask on Instagram
When you want to get people engaged, it’s good to show interest in them and what better way than asking a question? These 9 questions will help you!

Creating Shareable Content that Engages Your Audience
Why did I feel compelled to share that horrified potato standing over french fries image or the baby riding a kitten in full party mode gif (that’s an Instagram thing if you missed it)? Those are great questions. Many of us share things online and never stop to...
Instagram’s Newest Updates Ever!
No doubt, Instagram is my favorite platform. So when they drop new features, it’s like Reeses Pieces are falling from the sky and I’m out here with a bucket just livin’ life to the fullest. These new Insta-features are sure to be Insta-hits with the Insta-peeps...