Dear Church Communicators…

Dear Church Communicators…

Dear Church Communicators, I know you may not hear this very often, but you’re great. What you do is great and super valuable to the church. Whether anyone has told you that recently (or ever), you need to know that God has placed you in that exact spot for a purpose....
How to Debrief a Big Event

How to Debrief a Big Event

It’s summertime and you all know what that means…time to unload your church’s clip of events on your community! Wooohooo! Vacation Bible School! Camp! Mission Trip! Choir Camp! More Mission Trips! Fundraisers? I’ve never understood what part of melting in the...
Before You Kill Your Church Bulletin…

Before You Kill Your Church Bulletin…

Every day I hear another church communicator spewing out murderous threats against their church bulletin. One says “they’re obsolete! Why keep it? Let’s kill it.” Yet others say “We need ours, but we wish it were better.” Still others say “hey, should my church start...

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