3 Steps to Teaching the Bible Responsibly

3 Steps to Teaching the Bible Responsibly

Let’s do a fun little experiment together on teaching the Bible. Watch this quick video and see if you can answer the questions below. It won’t take long, I promise. It will open in another window, so watch it, then come back. WATCH VIDEO Now, without looking back in...
An Off-Limits Kind of Love

An Off-Limits Kind of Love

“Just don’t even go there” usually means a topic is off-limits for discussion. Hearing that phrase usually makes me want to “go there” more that I did before, especially when it comes to decisions that need to be made in the church that aren’t. You know what...
Worship 101: Planning a Worship Service

Worship 101: Planning a Worship Service

Whether you’re a minimalist or a full-blown production, planning a worship service flow is a big part of the pastor and worship pastor’s weekly routine. Choosing songs and visuals to go with those songs, deciding on a main point for the message and illustrations, or...
The 8-Fold Path to Great Spiritual Conversations

The 8-Fold Path to Great Spiritual Conversations

17: The 8-Fold Path to Great Spiritual Conversations by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast https://theseminaryofhardknocks.podbean.com/mf/play/zjcvdh/17_Seth_Conversations.mp3 THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and...

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