by Seth Muse | Mar 14, 2017 | Podcast
21: The Social Media Mission Field w/Lucas Kitchen by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan...
by Seth Muse | Mar 7, 2017 | Podcast
20: Why You Need a Ministry Coach Yesterday by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan...
by Seth Muse | Mar 6, 2017 | Leadership, Worship
Choosing worship song keys for a service is one of the toughest jobs a worship pastor has. Men and women alike can struggle when a worship leader chooses keys that are either too high or too low for them. Many male worship leaders from the late 90’s to 2000’s have cut...
by Seth Muse | Feb 28, 2017 | Podcast
19: Church Growth Strategies That Involve Everyone w/ Kenny Jahng by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS...
by Seth Muse | Feb 27, 2017 | Conflict, Leadership, Personal Care
For a large part of my ministry career, I struggled with taking criticism. Call it youthful rebellion; call it stubbornness, or whatever you like, but the fact remains that when I started the ministry, I couldn’t take criticism. (it’s hard to learn when you know...