88 Ideas for Church Social Media Posts

88 Ideas for Church Social Media Posts

Every church social media manager has the same problem: We have to post great content every day. Without a real plan or schedule, this task can really wear you out. I hope every church social media manager will make a plan, create a schedule, and cast a vision for...
The Art of Digital Listening w/ Kevin Fontenot

The Art of Digital Listening w/ Kevin Fontenot

34: The Art of Digital Listening w/ Kevin Fontenot by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast https://theseminaryofhardknocks.podbean.com/mf/play/azihf5/34_Kevin_Digital_Listening.mp3 THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and...
How to Debrief a Big Event

How to Debrief a Big Event

It’s summertime and you all know what that means…time to unload your church’s clip of events on your community! Wooohooo! Vacation Bible School! Camp! Mission Trip! Choir Camp! More Mission Trips! Fundraisers? I’ve never understood what part of melting in the...

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