Church Announcements Done Right w/ Adam McLaughlin

Church Announcements Done Right w/ Adam McLaughlin

36: Church Announcements Done Right w/ Adam McLaughlin by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and...
9 WordPress Plugins That Will Make Your Life Easier

9 WordPress Plugins That Will Make Your Life Easier

“Hey, you’re young and like technology, why don’t you take over the website?” Many church communicators and volunteers have heard this phrase in some form or another and it usually signals impending doom. You’ve never created a website and you don’t even know what the...
Dear Church Communicators…

Dear Church Communicators…

Dear Church Communicators, I know you may not hear this very often, but you’re great. What you do is great and super valuable to the church. Whether anyone has told you that recently (or ever), you need to know that God has placed you in that exact spot for a purpose....

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