91: Clear Messaging beats Clever Every Time with Wes Gay
THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan Ranson
Church Communications | Marketing | Social Media
Helping you find common ground with your people so you can empower them for spiritual growth.
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I always love it when I get to talk to one of my best friends about communications. Wes Gay is always helpful when he comes on the show and this time is no different! He and I chase a lot of interesting rabbits on this show, but keep coming back to making clarity a priority in your church and how it helps you connect with your audience with far more success!
Links from the Show
Wes on Twitter
Wes’s website
4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
Free Instagram course from Church Marketing University.*
Podcast gear! sethmuse.com/store is live!
88 Ideas for Church Social Media Posts