28: Slaying Online Trolls and Other Magical Beasts w/ Justin Dean

by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast

THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan Ranson
Church Communications | Marketing | Social Media

Helping you find common ground with your people so you can empower them for spiritual growth.

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You approach a large door. Do you go in? Y or N

You open the door and find a huge troll! Do you (A)ttack, (R)un or use (M)agic?

If you’ve been in charge of social media of a company or church, you’ve likely encountered internet trolls before. What do you do?

Out of nowhere, they bash your pastor, call your church a cult, and pray God sends plagues!

Justin Dean has been through it all and stops by the podcast to talk about how we should handle trolls and other magical beasts as we manage our church’s social media.


Pre-show banter with fun banter about how we record podcasts. This takes you right up to the moment that we begin the show.

That Church Conference




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88 Ideas for Church Social Media Posts

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