31: Understanding Google and Facebook Analytics w/ Lauren McAllister

by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast

THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan Ranson
Church Communications | Marketing | Social Media

Helping you find common ground with your people so you can empower them for spiritual growth.

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Many of us in church communications are tempted to make online decisions based on something other than data. We heard a few people talking about an event, so we full on advertise that event because it must be important. We feel like attendance was up, so the Facebook ad worked well.

But great online decisions are not made this way. Data-driven decisions are the best decisions a church communicator can make and Lauren McAllister has a ton of insight in this area.

You may want to get a pen and paper out for this one folks, because there’s a LOT to digest!


Lauren on Twitter, Instagram, and her website
Social Media Examiner (link to more Facebook ad targeting goodness)


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